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学术报告——Global weak solutions and boundedness for 3-D chemotaxis-fluid system with p-Laplacian diffusion

2018年05月22日 09:02 马宝林 点击:[]



Global weak solutions and boundedness for 3-D chemotaxis-fluid system with p-Laplacian diffusion  




李玉祥,教授,博士生导师,东南大学数学学院副院长。研究方向为非线性偏微分方程及其应用;非线性Keller-Segel方程的长时间渐近行为、爆破性态分析;非线性热方程的的长时间渐近行为、爆破性态分析;KPZ界面方程的长时间渐近行为、梯度爆破性态分析。已在CMPMath AnnJDEEuropean J. Appl. MathDCDS等杂志上发表三十多篇论文。主持国家自然科学基金三项。







Abstract: We consider an incompressible chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes system with p-Laplacian diffusion under homogeneous boundary conditions of Neumann type for density of bacteria and concentration of nutrient, and of Dirichlet type for fluid in a bounded convex domain with smooth boundary                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             . First we prove that if p>32/15 and under appropriate structural assumptions on parameters, for all sufficiently smooth initial data, the model possesses at least one global weak solution. Then we prove that for the incompressible chemotaxis-Stokes system, the global weak solutions is bounded whenever p>25/12.  





上一条:学术报告——主从博弈模型及其连续优化算法 下一条:学术报告——多源信息集结条件下灰色异构数据预测建模方法及其应用研究
