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2018年12月01日 20:53  点击:[]









1. 网络通讯约束下动态系统的分析与控制,河南省科技进步贰等奖,参与,2015

2. 受限复杂动态系统的分析与控制,河南省教育厅科技成果贰等奖,主持,2020



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于通信协议的饱和约束系统控制综合研究(项目编号:62273132,起止日期:2023.1-2026.12

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:时滞系统饱和控制:一步和补偿策略研究(项目编号:61773156,起止日期:2018.1-2021.12

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:执行器饱和多时滞系统的控制综合及抗饱和设计(项目编号:61304061,起止日期:2014.1-2016.12

4. 河南省自然科学基金-优秀青年科学基金:网络化饱和系统的分析与控制(项目编号:202300410159,起止日期:2020.1-2022.12

5. 河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划:分布时延系统的分析、控制和状态估计(项目编号:19HASTIT028,起止日期:2019.1-2020.12

6. 中国博士后科学基金:基于时滞相关扇区条件的时滞系统抗饱和设计(项目编号:2017M612394,起止日期:2018.1-2019.12



1. Yonggang Chen, Nannan Zhang and JuanjuanYang, Recent advances on stability analysis, state estimation andsynchronization control for neural networks, Neurocomputing, 515: 26-36, 2023 SCI收录, top 期刊, IF: 5.779

2. Yonggang Chen, Zidong Wang, Bo Shenand Qing-Long Han, Local stabilization for multiple input-delay systems subjectto saturating actuators: The continuous-time case, IEEE Transactions onAutomatic Control, 676: 3090-3097, 2022 SCI收录, 学科顶刊, IF: 6.549

3. Yonggang Chen, Zidong Wang, F. E.Alsaadi and H. Liu, Dynamic output feedback H∞ control for state-delayedsystems subject to actuator saturators under Round-Robin protocol,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 32, no. 3, pp.1703-1720, Feb. 2022 SCI收录, 学科知名期刊, IF: 3.897

4. Yonggang Chen, Zidong Wang, Qing-LongHan and Jun Hu, Synchronization control for discrete-time delayed dynamicalnetworks with switching topology under actuator saturations, IEEE Transactionson Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 325: 2040-2053,2021 SCI收录, 中科院一区, IF: 14.255

5. Yonggang Chen, Zidong Wang, Localstabilization for discrete-time systems with distributed state delay andfast-varying input delay under actuator saturations, IEEE Transactions onAutomatic Control, 663: 1337-1344, 2021. SCI收录, 学科顶级, IF: 6.549

6. Yonggang Chen, Zidong Wang, Bo Shenand Hongli Dong, Exponential synchronization for delayed dynamical networks viaintermittent control: dealing with actuator saturations, IEEE Transactions onNeural Networks and Learning Systems, 304: 1000-1013,2019SCI收录, 中科院一区, 顶级期刊, IF: 8.793

7. Yonggang Chen, Zidong Wang, ShuminFei and Qing-Long Han, Regional stabilization for discrete time-delay systemswith actuator saturations via a delay-dependent polytopic approach, IEEETransactions on Automatic Control, 643: 1257-1264,2019 SCI收录, 学科顶级, IF: 5.625

8. Yonggang Chen, Zidong Wang, YurongLiu and Fuad E. Alsaadi,Stochastic stability for distributed delay neural networks via augmentedLyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 338: 869-881,2018. SCI收录, top 期刊, IF: 3.092

9. Yonggang Chen, Shumin Fei and YongminLi, Robust stabilization for uncertain saturated time-delay systems: adistributed-delay-dependent polytopic approach, IEEE Transactions on AutomaticControl, 627: 3455-3460, 2017 SCI收录, 学科顶刊, IF: 5.007

10. Yonggang Chen, Shumin Fei and YongminLi, Stabilization of neutral time-delay systems with actuator saturation viaauxiliary time-delay feedback, Automatica, 52: 242–247, 2015 SCI收录, 学科顶级, IF: 3.635

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